Point and VectorΒΆ

The two basic spatial objects are the Point, which represents a position in space, and the Vector, which represents an arrow through space.

They are instantiated with an array_like object, which is an object that can be passed to numpy.array().

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from skspatial.objects import Point
>>> point_1 = Point([1, 2])
>>> point_2 = Point((1, 2))
>>> point_3 = Point(np.array([1, 2]))
>>> np.array_equal(point_1, point_2)
>>> np.array_equal(point_1, point_3)

Point and Vector are both subclasses of the NumPy ndarray, which gives them all the functionality of a regular NumPy array.

>>> point_1
Point([1, 2])
>>> point_1.size
>>> point_1.shape

The magnitude of a vector is found with the norm() method.

>>> from skspatial.objects import Vector
>>> vector = Vector([1, 1])
>>> vector.norm().round(3)

The unit vector can also be obtained.

>>> vector_unit = vector.unit()
>>> vector_unit.round(3)
Vector([0.707, 0.707])

One vector can be projected onto another.

>>> vector_u = Vector([1, 0])
>>> vector_v = Vector([5, 9])
>>> vector_u.project_vector(vector_v)  # Project vector v onto vector u.
Vector([5., 0.])