Source code for

"""Module for the Circle class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import Tuple

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from skspatial._functions import np_float
from skspatial.objects._base_sphere import _BaseSphere
from skspatial.objects.line import Line
from skspatial.objects.point import Point
from skspatial.objects.points import Points
from skspatial.objects.vector import Vector
from skspatial.typing import array_like

class Circle(_BaseSphere):
    A circle in 2D space.

    The circle is defined by a 2D point and a radius.

    point : (2,) array_like
        Center of the circle.
    radius : {int, float}
        Radius of the circle/

    point : (2,) Point
        Center of the circle.
    radius : {int, float}
        Radius of the circle.
    dimension : int
        Dimension of the circle.

        If the radius is not positive.
        If the point is not 2D.

    >>> from skspatial.objects import Circle

    >>> circle = Circle([2, 5], 3)

    >>> circle
    Circle(point=Point([2, 5]), radius=3)

    >>> circle.dimension

    >>> circle.area().round(2)

    >>> Circle([0, 0, 0], 1)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: The point must be 2D.

    >>> Circle([0, 0], 0)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: The radius must be positive.


    def __init__(self, point: array_like, radius: float):

        super().__init__(point, radius)

        if self.point.dimension != 2:
            raise ValueError("The point must be 2D.")

[docs] @classmethod def from_points(cls, point_a: array_like, point_b: array_like, point_c: array_like, **kwargs) -> Circle: """ Instantiate a circle from three points. Parameters ---------- point_a, point_b, point_c: array_like Three points defining the circle. The points must be 2D. kwargs: dict, optional Additional keywords passed to :meth:`Points.are_collinear`. Returns ------- Circle Circle containing the three input points. Raises ------ ValueError If the points are not 2D. If the points are collinear. Examples -------- >>> from skspatial.objects import Circle >>> Circle.from_points([-1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]) Circle(point=Point([-0., 0.]), radius=1.0) >>> Circle.from_points([1, 0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The points must be 2D. >>> Circle.from_points([0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The points must not be collinear. """ def _minor(array, i: int, j: int): subarray = array[ np.array(list(range(i)) + list(range(i + 1, array.shape[0])))[:, np.newaxis], np.array(list(range(j)) + list(range(j + 1, array.shape[1]))), ] return np.linalg.det(subarray) point_a = Point(point_a) point_b = Point(point_b) point_c = Point(point_c) if any(point.dimension != 2 for point in [point_a, point_b, point_c]): raise ValueError("The points must be 2D.") if Points([point_a, point_b, point_c]).are_collinear(**kwargs): raise ValueError("The points must not be collinear.") x_a, y_a = point_a x_b, y_b = point_b x_c, y_c = point_c matrix = np.array( [ [0, 0, 0, 1], [x_a**2 + y_a**2, x_a, y_a, 1], [x_b**2 + y_b**2, x_b, y_b, 1], [x_c**2 + y_c**2, x_c, y_c, 1], ], ) M_00 = _minor(matrix, 0, 0) M_01 = _minor(matrix, 0, 1) M_02 = _minor(matrix, 0, 2) M_03 = _minor(matrix, 0, 3) x = 0.5 * M_01 / M_00 y = -0.5 * M_02 / M_00 radius = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + M_03 / M_00) return cls([x, y], radius)
[docs] @np_float def circumference(self) -> float: r""" Return the circumference of the circle. The circumference :math:`C` of a circle with radius :math:`r` is .. math:: C = 2 \pi r Returns ------- np.float64 Circumference of the circle. Examples -------- >>> from skspatial.objects import Circle >>> Circle([0, 0], 1).area().round(2) 3.14 >>> Circle([0, 0], 2).area().round(2) 12.57 """ return 2 * np.pi * self.radius
[docs] @np_float def area(self) -> float: r""" Return the area of the circle. The area :math:`A` of a circle with radius :math:`r` is .. math:: A = \pi r ^ 2 Returns ------- np.float64 Area of the circle. Examples -------- >>> from skspatial.objects import Circle >>> Circle([0, 0], 1).area().round(2) 3.14 >>> Circle([0, 0], 2).area().round(2) 12.57 """ return np.pi * self.radius**2
[docs] def intersect_circle(self, other: Circle) -> Tuple[Point, Point]: """ Intersect the circle with another circle. A circle intersects a circle at two points. Parameters ---------- other : Circle Other circle. Returns ------- point_a, point_b : Point The two points of intersection. Raises ------ ValueError If the centres of the circles are coincident. If the circles are separate. If one circle is contained within the other. References ---------- Examples -------- >>> from skspatial.objects import Circle >>> circle_a = Circle([0, 0], 1) >>> circle_b = Circle([2, 0], 1) >>> circle_a.intersect_circle(circle_b) (Point([1., 0.]), Point([1., 0.])) >>> circle_a.intersect_circle(Circle([0, 0], 2)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The centres of the circles are coincident. >>> circle_a.intersect_circle(Circle([3, 0], 1)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The circles do not intersect. These circles are separate. >>> Circle([0, 0], 3).intersect_circle(Circle([1, 0], 1)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The circles do not intersect. One circle is contained within the other. """ d = self.point.distance_point(other.point) if d == 0: raise ValueError("The centres of the circles are coincident.") if d > self.radius + other.radius: raise ValueError("The circles do not intersect. These circles are separate.") if d < abs(self.radius - other.radius): raise ValueError("The circles do not intersect. One circle is contained within the other.") a = (self.radius**2 - other.radius**2 + d**2) / (2 * d) h = math.sqrt(self.radius**2 - a**2) point_middle = self.point + a * Vector.from_points(self.point, other.point) / d pm = np.array([1, -1]) X = point_middle[0] + pm * h * (self.point[1] - other.point[1]) / d Y = point_middle[1] - pm * h * (self.point[0] - other.point[0]) / d point_a = Point([X[0], Y[0]]) point_b = Point([X[1], Y[1]]) return point_a, point_b
[docs] def intersect_line(self, line: Line) -> Tuple[Point, Point]: """ Intersect the circle with a line. A line intersects a circle at two points. Parameters ---------- line : Line Input line. Returns ------- point_a, point_b : Point The two points of intersection. Raises ------ ValueError If the line does not intersect the circle. References ---------- Examples -------- >>> from skspatial.objects import Circle, Line >>> circle = Circle([0, 0], 1) >>> circle.intersect_line(Line(point=[0, 0], direction=[1, 0])) (Point([-1., 0.]), Point([1., 0.])) >>> point_a, point_b = circle.intersect_line(Line(point=[0, 0], direction=[1, 1])) >>> point_a.round(3) Point([-0.707, -0.707]) >>> point_b.round(3) Point([0.707, 0.707]) >>> circle.intersect_line(Line(point=[1, 2], direction=[1, 1])) (Point([-1., 0.]), Point([0., 1.])) If the line is tangent to the circle, the two intersection points are the same. >>> circle.intersect_line(Line(point=[1, 0], direction=[0, 1])) (Point([1., 0.]), Point([1., 0.])) The circle does not have to be centered on the origin. >>> point_a, point_b = Circle([2, 3], 5).intersect_line(Line([1, 1], [2, 3])) >>> point_a.round(3) Point([-0.538, -1.308]) >>> point_b.round(3) Point([5., 7.]) >>> circle.intersect_line(Line(point=[5, 0], direction=[1, 1])) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The line does not intersect the circle. """ # Two points on the line. point_1 = line.point point_2 = point_1 + line.direction.unit() # Translate the points on the line to mimic the circle being centered on the origin. point_translated_1 = point_1 - self.point point_translated_2 = point_2 - self.point x_1, y_1 = point_translated_1 x_2, y_2 = point_translated_2 d_x = x_2 - x_1 d_y = y_2 - y_1 # Pre-compute variables common to x and y equations. d_r_squared = d_x**2 + d_y**2 determinant = x_1 * y_2 - x_2 * y_1 discriminant = self.radius**2 * d_r_squared - determinant**2 if discriminant < 0: raise ValueError("The line does not intersect the circle.") root = math.sqrt(discriminant) mp = np.array([-1, 1]) # Array to compute minus/plus. sign = -1 if d_y < 0 else 1 coords_x = (determinant * d_y + mp * sign * d_x * root) / d_r_squared coords_y = (-determinant * d_x + mp * abs(d_y) * root) / d_r_squared point_translated_a = Point([coords_x[0], coords_y[0]]) point_translated_b = Point([coords_x[1], coords_y[1]]) # Translate the intersection points back from origin circle to real circle. point_a = point_translated_a + self.point point_b = point_translated_b + self.point return point_a, point_b
[docs] @classmethod def best_fit(cls, points: array_like) -> Circle: """ Return the circle of best fit for a set of 2D points. Parameters ---------- points : array_like Input 2D points. Returns ------- Circle The circle of best fit. Raises ------ ValueError If the points are not 2D. If there are fewer than three points. If the points are collinear. References ---------- Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from skspatial.objects import Circle >>> points = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 1]] >>> circle = Circle.best_fit(points) >>> circle.point Point([2., 1.]) >>> np.round(circle.radius, 2) 1.0 """ points = Points(points) if points.dimension != 2: raise ValueError("The points must be 2D.") if points.shape[0] < 3: raise ValueError("There must be at least 3 points.") if points.affine_rank() != 2: raise ValueError("The points must not be collinear.") n = points.shape[0] A = np.hstack((2 * points, np.ones((n, 1)))) b = (points**2).sum(axis=1) c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)[0] center = c[:2] radius = np.sqrt(c[2] + c[0] ** 2 + c[1] ** 2) return cls(center, radius)
[docs] def plot_2d(self, ax_2d: Axes, **kwargs) -> None: """ Plot the circle in 2D. Parameters ---------- ax_2d : Axes Instance of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`. kwargs : dict, optional Additional keywords passed to :class:`matplotlib.patches.Circle`. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from skspatial.objects import Circle >>> circle = Circle([-2, 3], 3) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> circle.plot_2d(ax, fill=False) >>> circle.point.plot_2d(ax) >>> limits = plt.axis([-10, 10, -10, 10]) """ circle = plt.Circle(self.point, self.radius, **kwargs) ax_2d.add_artist(circle)